How Can I Relax and De-Stress Before and After a Move?

What life event is most likely to cause stress? Is it a break-up, a divorce, or something else? According to researchers across multiple studies, moving takes the top spot.

Scientists say moving is so stressful because it includes hundreds of little stressors and changes at once. Everything – from the stress of adjusting to a new space to remembering where you put the forks – binds together and becomes overwhelming.

Avoid the stress of a move with the right preparation. Here are some tips to help make your move a calmer event.

Pre-Move Stress Relief

Some stressors will always be part of moving, like the unknowns of a new neighborhood or the feelings about leaving your current home.  However, you can prevent the unavoidable from becoming overwhelming by having a plan. Here are some things to consider when planning your move.


A residential move is complicated and can get expensive quickly without planning ahead. Be proactive and create a budget. Pay attention to the detail and stick to the budget. This will alleviate some of the stress that comes with moving.


Create a checklist for your move. Include everything from transferring your utilities to ordering packing supplies and changing your address to purging things you no longer need. With a reference list, you know exactly what you need to do and when those tasks need to be completed.

Pro Movers

One way to help eliminate stress is to hire movers to complete the move for you and handle your packing as well. Full-service movers can pack, organize, and move everything to allow you to focus on the big picture, like helping your kids adjust.

Post Move Stress Relief

Get back on track and back in the swing of things after your move. It’s essential to get comfortable in your new space so that you can relax and enjoy your new home. Moving day is exhausting both physically and emotionally. Here are some suggestions for relieving stress post-move.


Once the boxes are in and you begin the unpacking process, avoid the clutter, and make a list of your priorities. Develop a plan of what’s most essential to unpack right away. You will want to focus on unpacking your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen supplies first. Then prioritize the other things on the list.

An unpacking list will help reduce the clutter that can cause stress. Since it might take days or weeks to get everything in the right place, this process will help.

Healthy Routine

Once you have settled in, get back on track by reincorporating regular exercise and healthy meals daily.

Walking is a fantastic exercise. Get out and walk the neighborhood. Acquaint yourself with your new community and new neighbors. Walking benefits both your body and mind. 

Treat Yourself

Reward yourself with something you enjoy doing. Find calm in an activity you like, such as a relaxing bath or spa treatment, a satisfying nap, a massage, or a walk through the woods. Find your personal way to unwind and rejuvenate.

Beat the Psychology of Moving with the Right Help

Moving is stressful, and if you aren’t careful, it can really take its toll on you. Have a plan to incorporate some of these suggestions, and it will make your entire move and transition much easier.

Get in touch for more great tips and a free quote.