Tiny Traveler: Tips for Moving with Your Infant

Having a baby is a significant life change, but having to move soon after the new bundle of joy arrives can feel overwhelming. Nevertheless, you can easily manage a household move with an infant with a few tips. Look at a few helpful tips when relocating with an infant.

Before You Go: Preparing Your Baby and Your Home for the Move

Getting prepared for the transition in advance will make moving simpler. Be sure you save packing all the baby’s things for last, so they are easily accessible until moving day. Additionally, take the time to label everything clearly so you can easily find what you need in the new place. Lastly, pack a separate bag or suitcase with all the essentials your baby will need during the move, including diapers, wipes, formula or breastmilk, snacks, toys, and a change of clothes. It is a good idea to keep more in this cache of supplies than what you would keep in a usually packed diaper bag. Keep this bag easily accessible throughout the journey.

On the Move: Making Traveling with Your Infant Easier

Traveling with an infant can always pose a few additional challenges. If your move will have you traveling a long distance, a few tips to keep in mind along the way include:

  1. Plan for Pit Stops: Plan for frequent breaks to feed, change, and get in some cuddling time. Look for rest stops with family-friendly facilities where you can comfortably tend to your little one’s needs.
  2. Comfort is Key: Create a cozy environment for your baby during the journey. Pack their favorite blankets, toys, and a familiar pacifier to help soothe them on the road if they get fussy.
  3. Stay Flexible: Be prepared for unexpected delays or detours along the way by allowing extra time for travel. Traveling with a baby requires flexibility, so be ready to go with the flow and adapt to whatever challenges arise.

New Beginnings: Helping Your Baby Adapt to a New Home

Once you have made the primary transition to the new home, some work may still be left to help your little one adapt. Set up your baby’s nursery or sleeping area as soon as possible after moving in. A familiar and comfortable space will help them feel secure in their new surroundings. Additionally, stick to your baby’s established routines for feeding, sleeping, and playtime as much as possible. Consistency will provide a sense of stability during this period of change. While there may be some unavoidable bumps in the usual routine, the closer you can stick to the typical, the more secure your baby will feel.

Plan Your Transition with the Help of Professional Movers

Whether heading out on a long-distance move or relocating to a new neighborhood, remember to take it one step at a time and prioritize your baby’s comfort and well-being throughout the journey. To ensure your load is lighter, work with a professional moving company to help you handle the logistics so you can focus on the most important. Contact us for a free quote.

Moving with a Picky Pup: Keeping Your Canine Comfortable

With more than 65 million households in America owning at least one dog, people will likely have to relocate with their furry friend. While some dogs can go through a residential move and change of scenery without any distress, others can be much more finicky about the process.

Moving can take extra planning and care if your pup falls into the latter group. Look at a few tips to keep your picky, easily distressed canine comfortable during your move.

Planning Ahead: Strategies for Pre-Move Pet Preparation

Arrange a caregiver for your dog before the move. On the day of the move, having a designated family member to hang out with your nervous pooch can be helpful. In some cases, this may mean that the person may not be involved with other aspects of the day, such as packing boxes or helping to move furniture, but the sacrifice will be well worth it.

A nervous dog is bound to get even more antsy when its surroundings are being dismantled, the humans are involved in a lot of motion and commotion, and there are strangers (movers) in the house to help. A designated caregiver will ensure the dog can be removed from alarming areas of the house and given attention as needed to keep it comfortable.

Making the Move Stress-Free: Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

If your dog is alarmed by traveling or has motion sickness, discuss this with your veterinarian before moving day. Your vet may recommend or prescribe medications or calming supplements to keep the dog calm during transport.

Be sure to invest in a dog crate to keep your pet contained and keep you safe while driving. A scared dog can pose a hazard to whoever is driving and others in the vehicle simultaneously.

Fetch Find offers a good list of tips to help when traveling with an anxious dog, such as conditioning your pet with short drives in advance and avoiding feeding just before a car ride.

Pack Essentials to Have On Hand

Prepare an essentials kit for your dog so the crucial items are readily available throughout the move. These ensure your dog’s comfort and well-being during the transition. Include:

  • Food
  • Collapsible bowls
  • favorite toys and blankets 
  • Medications 
  • Medical records
  • Identification tags 
  • Leash and harness 
  • Poop bags 
  • First aid kit 

Home Sweet Home: Setting Up a Familiar Environment in Your New Place

Before transitioning your pet to the new home, take the initiative to make the location feel more like home. Dogs can be highly sensitive to smells, visuals, and even sounds. Therefore, addressing these elements in the space could be a good idea before introducing your pet.

For example, prepare a room in the house with something unwashed that smells like your family’s home. Bring in a few pieces of furniture or visual elements, such as a dog bed or a few toys. While noise may be beyond your control, you may be able to mask sounds or mimic the sounds of your former home. For instance, if you consistently watch a particular TV show, make sure this show is playing on the TV when the dog enters for the first time.

Get Professional Moving Help and Focus on Every Family Member

Moving is a significant transition, and dogs can have difficulty understanding the change. When you have four-legged family members to focus on during the move, having professional movers on your team can make things even more manageable. Contact us to discuss your moving needs.