8 Tips for Packing Your Child’s Bedroom for a Move

Packing your child’s bedroom for a move requires careful planning and organization to ensure you pack their belongings safely and efficiently. Children are very attached to their personal space and belongings; leaving that world behind can be emotionally distressing. It is essential to have a well-thought-out plan to make the process smoother for you and your child. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you pack your child’s bedroom effectively for a household move.

1. Declutter and Sort

Start by decluttering your child’s bedroom and sorting through their belongings. Encourage your child to help decide which items to keep, donate, or discard. This process reduces the amount of stuff you need to pack and ensures you only move essential and beloved items to your new home.

2. Gather Packing Supplies

Collect the necessary packing supplies, including various sturdy moving boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, markers for labeling, and any specialty boxes for fragile items or oddly shaped toys.

3. Strategize the Packing

Involve your child in packing to help them feel more stable during the move. Let your child independently pack items like stuffed animals, books, and toys. For more delicate items, guide them in wrapping and packing to ensure their safety during the move.

Timing is also crucial when packing your child’s bedroom. Many parents save their child’s room as one of the last areas to pack to maintain their comfort until the moving day arrives. Additionally, it’s a good idea to let your child keep a few comfort items with them that they don’t have to part with until the last minute.

4. Pack Non-Essentials First

Begin packing non-essential items first, such as out-of-season clothing, toys, books, and decorative items. Use small to medium-sized boxes for heavier items like books and toys and larger boxes for lightweight items like stuffed animals and bedding.

5. Disassemble Furniture

If your child’s furniture, such as beds or bookshelves, can be disassembled carefully, take the time to disassemble them. Keep all hardware, screws, and bolts organized in labeled bags or containers and tape them securely to the corresponding furniture pieces.

6. Label Boxes

Use a permanent marker to label each box with its contents and the room it will end up in. Consider using color-coded labels or stickers to make unpacking easier at your new home. Labeling boxes helps movers know where to place them in the new house.

7. Pack a “Moving Day” Box

Prepare a special box or suitcase with essential items your child will need on moving day and during the first few days in the new home. Include items such as favorite toys, books, pajamas, toiletries, and a change of clothes to keep your child comfortable and entertained during the transition.

8. Involve Your Child

Involve your child in the packing process as much as possible. Encourage them to help pack their belongings, decorate moving boxes with stickers or drawings, and decide what to keep or donate. This helps them feel included and prepared for the move.

Keep them involved and informed throughout the moving process, even after packing up your child’s bedroom. Encourage them to help with packing other areas, assign them tasks as big helpers, and keep them updated on the timeline of events. If time permits, take them to visit the new house and let them explore their new bedroom to help them feel more comfortable with the upcoming change.

Ready to Move?

Moving can be manageable when you have professional movers to assist you. Reach out for a no-obligation moving quote and make your transition to a new home as seamless as possible.