7 Hacks to Reduce Stress on Moving Day


7 Hacks to Reduce Stress on Moving Day

Most of us are no strangers to the stress and anxiety caused by a household move.

From worrying about your new utilities, to remembering where everything is packed, to handling kids and pets on the big day, there are a ton of stress-inducing factors when conducting a big move.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of things we’ve learned over the years of moving to help you out on the big day.

These are seven hacks that will help relieve the stress of your household move.

1. Downsize before packing

Before you start the long process of packing up your home, identify the items you don’t wish to bring with you. You can sell or donate these items, saving you the space on the truck and in your new home. Plus, donations can be written off come tax time so it’s a win-win!

2. Good boxes are a lifesaver

Cardboard boxes are a great cheap option for moving but if you really want to make the process easier, get yourself stackable boxes with handles. If all you have access to are cardboard boxes, no worries! Just cut holes in the sides and use them as handles.

And don’t forget to use detailed labels to pack unpacking so much easier.

3.  And label your cords

While we’re on the subject of labeling, be sure to label all of the power cords, HDMI cables and any other cord you’ll be disconnecting. That way you’ll know which device each one belongs to. Which will save you a major headache trying to sort through them all to find the right plug.

4. Take pictures of your electronics set up

Just in case labeling cords isn’t enough, it’s a good idea to photograph your electronic devices so you don’t have to try to remember how to set them up correctly. Reassembly will be much easier once you get to your new place.

5. Keep track of bolts and screws

Labeling is one of the most important ways to keep organized during a move (in case you haven’t noticed). Keep bolts and screws in a labeled ziplock bag and tape the bag to the object it belongs to if you can.

6. Prepare a bag for your first night 

Keep a bag or a box filled with essential items for the first night or two of a move. Things like toothbrushes, clothes, food, and toiletries that you’ll need easy access to.

7. Set up your utilities in advance

Make sure you call your electric, gas, and water companies before moving day. It’s an easy thing to forget but having light the first night in your new home will make a huge difference.

You’re ready for moving day!

Hopefully, these tips can be of use to you and your family on moving day.